Lead Pastor
Pastor Devin and his wife Jenny became the lead pastors here at New Life Church in December 2019! Devin and Jenny married in 2007 and have three boys. Pastor Devin has his degree from Southwestern Assemblies of God University and has over a decade of ministry experience. He and his wife are both from Ohio but have had ministry in Indiana for many years. They are passionate about seeing lives changed, people finding hope, and relationships being restored! When not with his family or the church, you can find Pastor Devin at the golf course!

Executive Pastor
Sharon grew up in nearby Marion, Indiana where she was part of a strong church and Christian family. It seems she has always been involved in ministry. She earned a Master’s Degree in Administration from Ball State University, has worked for the Indiana Attorney General, and has been in ministry since 1991. She came to New Life in 2004. Sharon is effective at training people of all ages for ministry. She has fun staying up to date on changes in computer technology and trying out new restaurants! She and her gifts are a tremendous blessing to us!

Children’s Director
Hannah grew up at New Life and served in various places within the church. From working on the CHAMPs Ministry team in the 6th grade to playing on the worship team in both youth and the main service, she believes that God has put her in those various positions, not only to learn and grow, but what also sparked the passion she has for church. Hannah attended Indiana Wesleyan University where she received her degree in Children’s Ministry.