New Life is a great church with lots of faces. It’s a place that if you wanted to, you could slip in & out each weekend never to be noticed. But we believe that Jesus intended more for us as His church. We know that God is doing something extremely special here in this church family & we want you to be a part of that. We would love for you to be able to Team with One Another through building healthy relationships & community.
Here at New Life Church, we don’t stress membership but we love to see people get involved. Here are several ways that you can be a part of what is going on here & in our community.

Life Groups are what help people build relationships and grow in their faith.

A “family” made up of students who are looking for a safe place to build relationships,
experience God, and serve others. Students Grades 6 – 12.

Reaching the community through the Marketplace Food Pantry.

UPWARD is a ministry that seeks to reach families through the game of basketball and cheerleading.